Mini fridges make for an awkward fixture in kitchens, so it's tempting to put them in nice cabinets, but there's one huge ...
Top performers for every style—from French-door fridges to built-in models to mini fridges—including refrigerators from Dacor ...
The program will pay for AC units, mini fridges to keep medications cold, portable power supplies to run medical devices ...
The mini-fridge is the perfect way to keep food and drinks cold without taking up as much space as a standard refrigerator. Many people utilise these compact machines for extra storage, whether they ...
The mini-fridge is the perfect way to keep food and drinks cold without taking up as much space as a standard refrigerator. Many people utilise these compact machines for extra storage, whether they ...
If you’re hosting large parties or have a big family, a larger fridge may be necessary. On the other hand, if you have limited outdoor space, a compact fridge may be a better option. Another ...
A Mini Fridge that can work with any power bank and without using harmful CFC gases. Ever heard of a 5V portable freezer? Yes, you heard it right. In this DIY we design a 5V portable freezer that is ...
If we haven't sold you yet, we've lined up a few ways for you to consider repurposing an old fridge. You won't need to buy a new cooler for all your outdoor summer parties this year. Instead, ...
If you have an old mini or bar fridge that recently died, resist the urge to take it to the dump and transform it into a cooler instead. Remove the appliance's innards, build a wooden frame, and pop ...
Black mould can cause chaos - but there is always a cleaning solution. Faced with a terrible black mould issue in their fridge, one individual took to advice platform Reddit to figure out exactly ...