Dryer vents are typically easier to access in basements ... to fully clean out the vent pipe from the outside of the home. A snake brush is then inserted to brush away any clogs or stuck-on ...
For longer vents, snake a flexible brush through the vent, rotating it as you go to push the debris through the outside ...
It’s easy to think of your clothes dryer as a set-it-and-forget-it type of appliance. But before you start your next load tumbling and walk away, consider this: When was the last time you ...
Buildup in dryer lint traps and vents can become a major fire hazard. To properly maintain your appliance, follow these expert-approved dryer cleaning tips. You know the basics of dryer cleaning ...
On average, dryer fires are blamed for 10 deaths, 360 injuries, and $211 million in property damage annually, according to a 2017 report. "The vent needs to be checked and cleaned once a year ...
The hidden threat that's often forgotten about is the dryer vent ductwork — not just the lint trap. Neglecting this area can create a severe fire hazard. 'Tis the season for spring cleaning ...
but some gets into the dryer’s exhaust system and dryer vent. Lint is highly flammable, and if it’s allowed to accumulate and works its way into the heating element, then Houston, we have a ...
Yet, we often overlook their need for care. A dirty washer won’t be able to clean our clothes very effectively, and a dryer that hasn’t received some TLC won’t dry efficiently. Plus ...