While Dragon Ball fans are head over heels for Goku, they often forget the show’s deutragonist, Vegeta. This fallen prince of ...
Goku transformed into the autonomous Ultra Instinct and in doing so, he found his ultimate fighting form. The question is, ...
One piece has gone viral for using the shadows to re-imagine Goku's latest ultimate transformation, Ultra Instinct. While the technique might not be featured in the upcoming Dragon Ball Daima ...
As with most fighters, Cumber is no match at all for Goku's Ultra Instinct form. With the character's strength continuing to rise at a rapid pace though, there's every chance that the evil Saiyan ...
While Daima did not have a manga to act as source material for its upcoming anime, Toriyama specifically helped to forge the ...
Shippuden" to the gripping narrative of "Attack on Titan," each series captivates with its unique blend of action ...
Since the Tournament of Power, Universe 7's team has only gotten stronger, to the point where none of the other universes may be able to compete. Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan have unlocked powerful new ...
Satoru Gojo and Light Yagami, emblematic of anime creativity, stand out among iconic characters like Goku, Sailor Moon, and ...
Goku, the lone wolf private detective is back, contracted by Yoshiko, a mysterious, beautiful and very afraid woman, to find and save her brother, Ryu. Will Goku be able to protect Yoshiko from ...