The pragmatic definition of the COP is: COP = (What you Get)/(What you Pay For). This measure of performance can have a value greater than unity, and it is this fact that makes a heat pump an ...
To be cheaper to run than a gas boiler a heat pump requires a Coefficient of Performance (COP) of at least 3.5 – ie it pumps 3.5 times as much heat energy into the homes as it consumes in ...
“This is far above what others have managed before us. We can accept up to 50°C in return while maintaining a good ...
A typical air source heat pump should generate three or more units of heat for each unit of electricity it uses. We've assumed a COP (Coefficient of Performance) of 3.0 (300% efficient). Your savings ...
The new heat pumps use R-454B as a refrigerant and are specifically designed to be matched with Johnson Controls’ residential ...
A group of researchers in Iran has analyzed the coefficient of performance and the energy consumption of a solar-assisted ...
The first heat pumps Graham Hendra sold, about 15 years ago, weren't very hot. "To get 50C - that was quite hard," says the former wholesaler, referring to the temperature of the water that these ...
The pragmatic definition of the COP is: COP = (What you Get)/(What you Pay For). This measure of performance can have a value greater than unity, and it is this fact that makes a heat pump an ...