Shower drain clogs are the worst. They can wreck your morning shower. It’s not only annoying, it is frustrating. How many ...
To test your hard work, turn your shower on and see how much better it's working now that you've busted up the gunk ruining ...
It's happening again: You're standing in the shower and the water is pooling at your ankles even though you didn’t stop the drain. You've got a blockage, and you're probably wondering how to unclog ...
CLEANING fans are raving about a 99p buy that will clear your sink blockages in no time. So if your sink is kicking up a ...
Improve your shower's water flow and eliminate gross buildup with these simple, step-by-step instructions for how to clean a shower head Some chores on the cleaning schedule seem simpler than others.
Cleaning a shower can be as easy or as difficult as you make it, and the difference in how much time and effort is required for the task comes down to how often you do it. If you regularly clean ...
Clogged shower drain Start with the easiest method ... it’s probably time for a deep-clean. When neglected, the bathroom exhaust vent collects dust and grows mildew, which could be recirculating ...
However, not all drain cleaners are well-equipped to clear and break up difficult hair clogs. Clogs can happen in the sink, shower, and even the garbage disposal and each of these drain types may ...
Yet another excuse to enjoy an extra-long and toasty shower: Taking big breaths of steamy or misty air can thin and loosen ...
Our shower heads can accumulate grime, minerals, and even bacteria, which doesn’t bode well for a relaxing or clean moment. That’s why an important part of cleaning your bathroom is knowing ...