Property owners are cautioned to use the right type of tiles in bathrooms to prevent themselves or tenants from falling, ...
We may be seeing more colorful spaces than ever, but there's still a place for modern white bathroom ideas, say these ...
We asked designers to share their best hacks for decorating small bathrooms so you can still have a dream space even though you're short on space.
From arches to folding partitions, here are some unique HDB design ideas to ask your ID for so you don't have a cookie cutter ...
these new designs showcase public restrooms' role as a place where people gather, and a place to consider the environment. Get ready to explore Japanese restroom design!
Local dwellings reflect trend that draws on the colors, textures and materials of the organic world to let nature nurture us within the home ...
According to initial renderings, the bathrooms would have wide entryways that remain open to the hallway so staff can better ...
The Nobel tiny home has an ingenious floorplan with a spacious lounge that doubles as sleeping space thanks to an elevator ...
The partitions between the stalls would extend ... The governing board's response to the proposed bathroom design was mixed. Most members agreed that student safety and privacy must be balanced.