The Makita Impact XPS Mag Boost and Wera Screw Gripper are two simple-but-useful tools I wish I had known about years ago.
Door bolts come in many shapes and forms, but the two most common types are lockable door bolts and sliding door bolts.
A similar stainless steel fitting cost about $14. Prices for 2-inch versions of the same fittings were $60 and $81. Similarly to fittings, bolts use very little material but have relatively high ...
Unhardened steel screws are produced of strong, carbonated iron. Uncoated steel is vulnerable to corrosion. Stainless steel screws are chemical and corrosion resistant with an appealing finish. They ...
Are you even really an adult if you don’t have one of these? Tighten a bolt, pull a nail, cut a wire—these do it all.
The Lamar Township Board of Supervisors met recently and discussed numerous business items. The three supervisors unanimously voted to have a meeting item regarding the Second Class Township Code ...
The company fabricates precious metals and alloys into brazing alloys; manufactures and sells seamless stainless steel tubing coils; fasteners, adhesives, and fastening systems for the commercial ...
Nigerian artist Dotun Popoola celebrates the beauty of Blackness while protesting “environmental decadence.” His latest work ...
One out of four older adults falls every year—and one out of every five falls results in an injury, such as a head injury or ...