While Pozniak noted that some items labeled “dry-clean only” could potentially be washed by hand (such as cashmere sweaters), ...
GE Appliances has launched a new Spanish-Language washer and dryer, which is the "first" of its kind. Here's what it does and ...
Water-churning appliances are by and large the most expensive machines in the home to run. In fact, the average washer/dryer ...
Now that the interior of the washer is nice and clean, it’s time to address the rest of the machine. Wipe down the smaller ...
Jackets with heavy hardware, like zippers or snaps, can also scratch the washing machine. Instead, these should be ...
Washing machines can harbor bacteria and odors, especially if they aren’t aired out after use. Here's how to clean a washing ...
An estimated 60% of the global population wash clothes by hand and the burden falls mostly on women and girls, which means ...
There are also a few things as frustrating as laundry mishaps—be it that errant red sock in a load of whites or a forgotten ...
4. Wash modes Pay careful attention to the special wash cycles on a washing machine. A Woolmark-certified machine can wash woollen garments, while some machines have special silk modes.
There are certain things you’re not allowed to bring onto a cruise ship.  Some are pretty obvious, and others are in a sort ...
THERE’S nothing more frustrating than finally pulling your favourite pair of black jeans on only to find they’ve turned into ...
The refrigerator, washer and dryer were installed by the company and covered under a warranty — a Sears Master Protection ...