Maybe those backdoors weren’t such a great idea. Several US Telecom networks have been compromised by a foreign actor, likely ...
Oscillators may use crystals as precise tuned circuits. If you have a vector network analyzer (VNA) — or even some basic test ...
When thinking of home computers and their portable kin it’s easy to assume that all of them provided BASIC as their ...
On this episode of the Hackaday Podcast, Editors Elliot Williams and Tom Nardi talk about the optical witchcraft behind ...
When tackling a retrocomputing project, plenty of us will go back to a place like the 80s and restore something like a ...
It’s fair to say that climate change is perhaps the greatest challenge facing our planet, and while much attention is ...
If you’re nostalgic for the golden age of microprocessors and dream of building your own computer, this story might spark ...
If you want to play with radar — and who could blame you — you can pretty easily get your hands on something like the ...
Conventional wisdom has it that the solid state era in electronics began in 1948 with the invention of the transistor, or if you wish to split hairs, with the 1930s invention by the Russian [Oleg ...
The London Underground is an iconic piece of Victorian era engineering. What started in 1863 quickly became a core piece of ...
Ever wondered if you could build a robot controlled by chemical reactions? [Marb] explores this wild concept in his video, ...
In the last two articles, I talked about two systems relying on audio notifications. The first one is the Alt-Tab annihilator ...