Single-photon emitters (SPEs) are akin to microscopic lightbulbs that emit only one photon (a quantum of light) at a time.
Taiwan was shaken by dozens of earthquakes overnight and into Tuesday that left buildings swaying and some tilting, with the ...
In the glacial waters of the Lofoten archipelago in Norway's far north, Angelita Eriksen uses a knife to cut a handful of ...
Researchers who study Earth's biosphere tend to operate from one of three scientific cultures, each with distinct ways of ...
The quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE) has unique advantages in topotronic applications, but realizing the QAHE with ...
Forget about red hot. A new color-coded heat warning system relies on magenta to alert Americans to the most dangerous ...
In Brazil, where about 16 wild animals become roadkill every second, a computer scientist has come up with a futuristic ...
More than 100,000 people have been evacuated due to heavy rain and fatal floods in southern China, with the government ...
A study conducted over a period of 14 years in the Brazilian savanna-like biome shows its typical vegetation rapidly becoming ...
In the 1930s, the United States government introduced redlining, a discriminatory practice that categorized neighborhoods ...
One of the politically destructive strands of environmental advocacy criticizes material consumption and attempts to make ...
Healthy cells respond appropriately to changes in their environment. They do this by sensing what's happening outside and ...